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Table of Contents
Installing mBlock Software


  • Install the latest version for PC (V5.4.0x).
  • You will need to install the driver when prompted by clicking INSTALL, as well as Allow access when you get a firewall warning.

Getting Started with mBlock Software

mBlock software getting started main page is here - Follow this page as well as the next two pages5

Let us first gain some familiarity by playing with sprites before we start using mBlock for the actual device

Now, it is time to play with the actual device (mBot/mCore). We will be using a USB cable (and not Bluetooth or a 2.4G module). The steps official tutorial is here - show a device called CyberPi and not our beloved mBot. Hence, the steps are slightly different, which is given . However, you may wish to follow the slightly more detailed instructions below.

The default device after installation will be CyberPi and not mBot. You can delete the CyberPi and then click 'add'. 


Get familiarized with both Upload mode and Live mode - read more at the difference between modes here - https://wwwsupport.mblockmakeblock.cccom/dochc/en/hardware-basic/mode.html-us/articles/1500003954802-Program-mBot-with-mBlock-5#3.%20Set%20the%20programming%20mode.

Live mode

Select the mode (say, Live mode for now) and click Connect after ensuring that mBot/mCore is powered on. You will then be prompted to select the port.


Play with other blocks, and see the various inputs/outputs in action! You can see details of other blocks applicable for mBot under Block Reference section in

Interaction between Devices and Sprites

Enabling your mBot/mCore to interact with sprites is useful to make the sprite (say, Panda) read out sensor values. This is illustrated using an example for The official tutorial is found here - Note that here too, you can use Image Added instead of the 'when button is pressed' mentioned in that page (which is for CyberPi and not mBot). A more detailed description is given below.

Here we have an example of reading the light sensor on the Device (mBot)and making the Sprite (Panda) display the reading.


Now, click the flag and the sprite (Panda) will say the new reading when it is made available by the device (mBot), which will be once a second.The official tutorial is found here - Note that here too, you can use Image Removed instead of the 'when button is pressed' mentioned in that page (which is for HaloCode device and not mBot). A more detailed description is given below.

Upload mode

Note that in Upload mode, the only available is , which isn't available in Live mode.


mBlock can also handle Arduino C directly. You can't see l switch between using blocks and using code seamlessly though. Make sure you include include #include<Arduino.h>