Info |
If you are moving to NUS from another institution which uses Canvas, you can export the course from Canvas in your previous institution and import it to a course in NUS Canvas. You will need to have access to your course in the previous institution. If you do not have access, please contact your previous institution for assistance to access and export the course. If you want to copy an existing course in NUS Canvas to another course in NUS Canvas, please use copy course content instead. |
- On the non-NUS Canvas site:
- Go to the Course you want to copy.
- In your Course Settings, click Export Course Content on the right-hand sidebar.
- Leave the selection as Course. Click Create export.
- Let the export process run.
- When the says Your content has been exported, click the New export link, above the progress bar.
- You will have a downloaded file with a .imscc extension. Note the location of the file.
- On the NUS Canvas site:
- Go to the Course you want to import the content to.
- On the home page of the course, click Import Existing Content on the right-hand sidebar.
- For Content type, select Canvas course export package.
- For Source, choose the file you downloaded earlier.
- For Content, select All content.
- Click Import.
For more details, see https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-copy-a-Canvas-course-into-a-new-course-shell/ta-p/712: