Not for handwritten papers
Do not use Turnitin assignments for handwritten papers. Handwritten text in images cannot be scanned by Turnitin. This includes image-based PDF files.
These instructions are applicable to Law take-home exams and exams released via ExamSoft that require submission to Turnitin.
Advise students of submission details
The content in this section is taken from Turnitin submission for exams .
Please inform your students of the information below. Copy and paste the information below, and/or provide them the link.
Start copy-paste section
Turnitin help documents
Important notes
DO NOT preload the Turnitin assignment folder at the start of the exam.
For security, the folder times out. You may have to clear cookies and cache on your browser to access the folder again.
The Turnitin submission process takes about a minute, but it may take even longer. Please factor the time you need to submit to Turnitin assignment folders.
If you encounter issues with submission, make sure you gather evidence straight away.
You can create a screen recording in macOS or Windows 10 (it says for games, but you can use it to record your screen in general).
Alternatively, use your mobile phone's video recording function - make sure you capture the entire screen, showing the issue, time and date.
Download the digital receipt after submission. This is the only definitive proof that you have uploaded the paper successfully.
End copy-paste section
Prepare your Turnitin assignment for exam submission
If you are new to Turnitin assignments in Canvas, please refer to the guides for creating and configuring Turnitin assignments in Canvas. This page provides specific instructions for Take-home Exams and is not meant to be a comprehensive guide for Turnitin assignments in Canvas.
For Assign Access, Set the Available from date/time to 15 minutes before the actual exam end time.
There is good reason not to open the Turnitin assignment at the start of the exam.For security, Turnitin assignments time out after a certain period. By not allowing students to pre-load the Turnitin assignment at the start of the exam, you prevent them from getting timed out. If timed out, the student may not be able to access the Turnitin assignment again. That can only be resolved by the student clearing her/his browser cookies and cache.
Set the Due date as the actual exam end time, then Allow Late Submissions in the Turnitin Assignment Inbox settings (after you have created the Turnitin assignment, refer to point 6).
Submissions after the deadline will be in red font. This way, you can see those who have submitted after the deadline, and make a decision about any papers submitted after the deadline.
Alternatively, you can set the Due date and time to at least 5 minutes after the actual exam end time so that students have some buffer time to upload their files.Once created, enter the Turnitin assignment and click Settings (cog icon). (Detailed instructions for configuring Turnitin Assignment Inbox settings.)
Expand the Optional Settings. Here are the settings that you must configure:
Submission settings
Submit papers to Standard paper repository.
Uncheck Allow submission of any file type. If you allow any file type, similarity checking may not carried out.
Check Allow late submissions. Always allow students to submit. You can deal with late submissions, if any.
New If you want to mark anonymously, check Enable anonymous marking. Be aware of the caveats below, including /wiki/spaces/LumiNUSstaff/pages/14157900 sufficiently far in the future.
Compare against
Check all the options.
Similarity Report
Generate Similarity Reports for student submission.
Select Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date).
This prevents the student from receiving the similarity report before the due date.Uncheck Allow students to view Similarity Reports, since this is a final exam - students will not be able to see the Similarity Report.
Click Submit.