This page provides information on course registration for the following courses:

MLE1010 Engineering Materials Principles & Practices

Applies to AY2020/2021 cohort and before. 

Due to curriculum changes, MLE1010 will no longer be offered. Students who have yet to clear this graduation requirement should take MLE2301 as a replacement course. Course registration will be through Select Courses in CourseReg.

EG1311 Design and Make

Reading it in your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be open for selection in CourseReg Select Courses. Please register for it in CourseReg Select Courses (from Round 1 onwards).

LABS will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score.

Reading it after your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be open for selection in CourseReg Select Courses, to the following groups:

  • Round 1 onwards: Students reading it in their scheduled semester
  • Round 2 onwards: Year 4 students and E-Scholars
  • Round 3: All CDE students (Cohort 2021/22 onwards) and all students in BEng programmes (Cohort 2019/20 onwards) 

LABS will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score.

Reading it before your scheduled semester

Please submit an appeal in CourseReg (Appeal Type: "Unable to Secure Course") after Round 3 ends, and we will consider your request subject to available quota.

CS1010E Programming Methodology

Reading it in your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be open for selection in CourseReg Select Courses. Please register for it in CourseReg Select Courses (from Round 1 onwards).

TUTORIALS will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score.

Reading it after your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be open for selection in CourseReg Select Courses (from Round 3 onwards).

  • Round 1 onwards: Students reading it in their scheduled semester
  • Round 2 onwards: Year 4 students and E-Scholars
  • Round 3: All CDE students in BEng programmes (Cohort 2019/20 onwards) 

TUTORIAL will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score. 

Reading it before your scheduled semester
Please submit an appeal in CourseReg after Round 3 ends, and the Course host (School of Computing) will consider your request, subject to available vacancies. 

DTK1234 / DTK1234A Design Thinking (AY2021/22 Cohort onwards)

Reading it in your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be pre-allocated to you. If you are scheduled to read it but have not been pre-allocated, please submit an appeal in CourseReg (Appeal Type: "Issues while Selecting Course").

TUTORIALS will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score.

Reading it before or after your scheduled semester

The course is pre-allocated to you according to your department recommended schedule. Therefore, reading it before or after your scheduled semester is strongly discouraged.

PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management (AY2021/22 Cohort onwards)

Reading it in your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be open for selection in CourseReg Select Courses. Please register for it in CourseReg Select Courses (from Round 1 onwards).

TUTORIALS will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score.

Reading it after your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be open for selection in CourseReg Select Courses, to the following groups:

  • Round 1 onwards: Students reading it in their scheduled semester
  • Round 2 onwards: Year 4 students and E-Scholars
  • Round 3: All CDE students (Cohort 2021/22 onwards) and all students in BEng programmes (Cohort 2019/20 onwards) 

TUTORIALS will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score.

Reading it before your scheduled semester

Please submit an appeal in CourseReg (Appeal Type: "Unable to Secure Course") after Round 3 ends, and we will consider your request subject to available quota. 

GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data

Reading it in your scheduled semester

LECTURE will be pre-allocated to you. If you are scheduled to read it but have not been pre-allocated, please submit an appeal in CourseReg (Appeal Type: "Issues while Selecting Course").

TUTORIALS will be open for selection in CourseReg. You will need to select and rank your timeslots in Select Tutorials/Labs, and it will be allocated to you based on the priority score.

Reading it before or after your scheduled semester

The course is pre-allocated to you according to your department recommended schedule. Therefore, reading it before or after your scheduled semester is strongly discouraged.