What is the difference between creating a blog and creating a username?

What is the difference between creating a blog and creating a username?

The screenshot above refers to http://blog.nus.edu.sg/wp-signup.php.

When you sign up, only choose Just a username, please if:

  1. you are going to be added to a group blog (created by your tutor, class representative or someone else), and
  2. you do not want your own blog

Further details

Your username (account), allows you to:

  • create as many blogs as you want
  • be added to as many blogs as you require


  • Your password is linked to the username, not to a particular blog. 
  • When you first visit Blog.nus, you only need to create a blog if you want your own blog. Creating that first blog also creates your username. This username can be used to create or be added to other blogs.
  • Deleting a blog does not delete your username. This is so if you set the username and blog name (URL) to be the same, e.g. username is u0987654 and blog is http://blog.nus.edu.sg/u0987654/.
  • Deleting your username is permanent - you will not be able to register again using the same email address, so do not do this if you only want to delete a blog.