Uninstall / "Clean" Uninstall of Examplify - Mac
- Wu Haixin
- yanti (Unlicensed)
Owned by Wu Haixin
23 Nov 2019
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To uninstall Examplify on your MacBook or other Mac OS X computer, please follow these instructions:
- Navigate to the "Applications" folder.
- Find the Examplify app.
- Drag the Examplify icon into the Trash on your dock, or select "Move to Trash".
- Choose "Empty Trash..." from the Finder menu.
To do a "CLEAN" uninstall of Examplify:
- Click the Magnifying Glass Icon on the top right of your screen. Type “Terminal” without the quotes and press enter.
- Enter the following command into Terminal and press Enter: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
- Hold down the Option Key and Right-click the Finder Icon on the Dock. Select ‘Relaunch’.
- Select "Go" at the top and choose "Computer".
Navigate to and delete the following hidden folders:
• \MacintoshHD\.adata-Examplify
• \MacintoshHD\Users\Shared\.adata
• \MacintoshHD\Users\Shared\.adata-Examplify - Navigate to "Library" and then "Application Support".
- Find the Examplify folder and rename it to "Examplify.OLD"
- Restart the Device and Install Examplify.
After installing Examplify successfully, follow the steps below to hide hidden files if necessary.
- Click the Magnifying Glass Icon on the top right of your screen. Type “Terminal” without the quotes and press enter.
- Enter the following command into Terminal: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
- Press Enter after entering the above command
- Hold down the Option Key and Right-click the Finder Icon on the Dock. Select ‘Relaunch’.
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