
The idea of Design-Your-Own-Course (DYOC) was mooted in NUS to encourage our students to explore learning beyond their own disciplines, via edX Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), or by engaging NUS teachers, NUS administrative staff or industry leaders. This is similar to what established universities around the world have done, i.e., embracing self-directed education. MOOCs were first introduced in 2006, but have become more popular of late. Top universities have now incorporated MOOCs into their educational landscape, even providing their students with opportunities to complete certificate-bearing MOOCs from other top universities within their own curricular space.

Additionally, students may also explore doing DYOC in groups of 10 (or more), with supervision by NUS academics, skilled administrative staff, or industry experts. The objective is to empower students in their learning journey, giving them more flexibility in planning their studies without disruption to their structured disciplinary studies. It is an option for students to pursue interests outside their disciplines, broadening their knowledge, and encouraging them to see “learning” as a lifetime endeavour.

*Exclusion: Medicine, Dentistry, LAW, Yale-NUS