Canvas Instructor
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Create and manage consultation slots
Create assignment columns for non-submission assignments in Gradebook
Create sub-forums or categories in Discussions
Cross-listed courses in Canvas
Delete student submissions and allow students to re-submit
Display only letter grades in gradebook
Download a list of students and their groups within a Group Set?
Download all submitted files to an Assignment, rather than one by one
Download or export class roster/list
Duplicate a Canvas Quiz
Edit Quiz settings from "Quiz score to Keep Highest" to "Latest" (or vice versa) and the Quiz results do not reflect the changes made
Email students in a class or a specific sections/tutorial groups
Ensure grade accuracy
External link refused to connect
Fixed column widths for tables
For file uploads in assignments which allow multiple attempts, are the files uploaded in earlier attempts overwritten?
Gather mid-semester feedback
Gradebook columns explainer
Grading a graded discussion
Group sets and groups with respect to sections in NUS Canvas
Groups and sections in Canvas
Guest students' role and course visibility
Hide and post grades
Hide totals in student grade summaries and assignment grade distribution graphs
How can I add Teachers and TAs to a course?
How can I use each of the tools in Canvas?
How can students view course information before module registration?
How can we relate CMIS role and Canvas roles?
How do I reply to Canvas messages via Outlook?
How does Assign To work?
How often is People synced with EduRec/CMIS?
How to compress images and make my file / PowerPoint smaller in file size?
How will changing a file's availability dates affect its availability in Modules (or other Canvas tools)?
I cannot add t-accounts to my course. What should I do?
I cannot log in to Canvas
I do not see my Course on the Dashboard. Why is my Course missing from the Dashboard?
I have set my Turnitin assignment to unlimited submissions (or more than one submission), but my students can only submit once
Import marks from Canvas to IMMS
Import of marks to Canvas gradebook for manual entries or from outside of Canvas
Import the student list into Canvas
Inactive enrolments
Include more than one attachment to an announcement
Install External Apps (LTI Tools)
Is it a constraint that only one member must submit enforced for group assignment submissions?
Is Research Recruitment available in Canvas?
Is the Canvas Calendar synced with Outlook?
Is the timetable, venue and exam schedule displayed in Calendar?
Is there a space in Gradebook for instructors to justify overriden grades?
LaTeX displayed equations in Quizzes
Link to a Files folder from Modules
Make files in announcements visible to selected sections only
Make student file submissions visible to other students in the course
Make Syllabus visible to non-enrolled students
Migrate courses from other institutions' Canvas to NUS Canvas
Mismatch between similarity index in assignment inbox and in similarity report
Missing Course Navigation Menu
Newly enrolled students in CourseReg are not synced to Canvas
ORMC/OSHE safety courses in NUS
Peer Review Assignment - Different Scenarios
Post grades and feedback/annotations separately
Print a Quiz with and without an answer key
Quiz deadline does not appear in Calendar
Randomise question order in Classic Quizzes
Receive notifications for Announcements and Inbox messages I create
Regrade or modify a quiz that students have already taken
Remove Guest Student role from enrolled Student (who was previously added as Guest Student)
Remove points assigned to questions in ungraded surveys
Request failed with error code 400 when uploading files
Request for Streaming Videos for Course Use
Restore deleted items
Restrict folders in Files to certain sections/groups/roles?
Score in rubric not transferred automatically to Grades
SCORM packages in Canvas
Send announcement to your class, specific sections/tutorial groups
Send reminder to students who are yet to submit assignments
SOP for Assessments - Send Summary Feedback
Student Feedback for Teaching (SFT)
Students cannot access an assignment, quiz (or other tools) despite the tool being published
Students dropped from courses - how do we deal with them?
Taking a quiz using Preview does not capture the result in statistics, why?
Teams Provisioned from Canvas
Track and download attendance reports
Transform CSV for Import in Grades
Turnitin assignment inbox does not display the students' submissions
Turnitin error date_post - post date must be after start date
Turnitin error in Student view (expected behaviour)
Unable to access Videos/Panopto via direct links
Unpublish or delete a course to remove it from the Dashboard
Update staff photo
Use Course Readings
Use of third-party scripts, browser extensions and add-ons for Canvas
Videos/Panopto does not load in Safari (or other web broswers)
View student activity
View user statistics for Panopto videos
What are student groups? Can I delete or disable student groups?
What are term dates? How are they used?
What do students see after taking a quiz in Classic Quizzes?
What does the orange/red dot on the top left of a grade cell mean?
What happens to student submissions that include file uploads? Is there a folder where submissions are stored?
What is a Sandbox course?
What is LTI?