Versions Compared


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If you see the following error message in your Turnitin assignment in Canvas:


  1. Enter the assignment, then click Edit Assignment Settings on the top right.


  2. Scroll down. Click Manage Assign To for Assign Access.

  3. Take note of the Due, Available from and Until dates (if any). Click into the date text fields, then delete all the dates.

    remove-all-dates.pngImage Removed

    On the bottom right, click Save.Clear all dates, then click Apply.

    clear-dates.pngImage Added

  4. You should see Manage Assign To has Pending Changes. Save the assignment settings.

    pending-changes-save.pngImage Added

  5. You should now see the Turnitin Assignment Inbox. If you see the Load <assignment name> in a new window button, click it to load the Turnitin Assignment Inbox.

  6. In the Turnitin Assignment Inbox, click the cog icon (settings) on the top right.


  7. Input the respective Start Date, Due Date and Feedback Release date.

    1. Available from (Canvas) = Start Date (Turnitin).
      This date must be (1) before the due date and (2) within the current semester.

    2. Due (Canvas) = Due Date (Turnitin)

    3. Until (Canvas) has no equivalent in the Turnitin Assignment Inbox settings.

    4. Feedback Release Date (Turnitin) has no equivalent in the Canvas assignment settings.
      This date should be after the due date.

    5. More information for Canvas & Turnitin dates.

  8. Click Submit on the bottom left.

  9. Click Edit Assignment Settings on the top right.


  10. Scroll down. Click Manage Assign To for Assign Access.

  11. Fill in the Due, Available from and Until dates, then click Apply.

    1. The Available from (Canvas) date must be the same as the Start Date (Turnitin).

    2. The Due (Canvas) date must be the same as the Due Date (Turnitin).

    3. The Until date is not compulsory.

  12. Click SubmitYou should see Manage Assign To has Pending Changes. Save the assignment settings.