Versions Compared


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This section suggested the typical design flow for task 1 based on past experience. 


A good way to determine the minimum interference level is to vary the amplitude of the noise signal, (e.g., 1/3, 1/10, 1/20/, 1/50... of the full interference amplitude), record the received signal with AD2 at different interference levels, pass them to the Opamp_file and observe the resulted PSR. Choose a proper interference amplitude based on PSR, and calculate the desired filter suppression with the equation: 20log(targer_interference_amp/full_interference_amp). The result can be used as a reference for stopband attenuation. 


Note: The Min. GBW requirement could be insanely large, this should hint to you that this is an ideal design that serves as a reference, our goal is NOT to duplicate it on the breadboard. 



LTSpice Simulation (Frequency Response)

Implement the design generated in B with LTSpice
