NUS Tools replaces the previous Course Roster tool.NUS Tools allows you to manage/access:
NUS Tools allows you to edit the course name and course code for non-academic courses only.
It also allows you to delete non-academic courses.
NUS Tools allows you to create, edit and delete sections, for use in non-academic courses only.
Official sections - i.e. from EduRec - in academic courses cannot be edited nor deleted.
Click the three dots on the right.
Click Add Teacher.
In the window that appears, use the search field to find the person you want to add. You can search using the person’s name or NUS-ID. Friendly-email aliases will not work.
Click Search.
Select the relevant person (there may be more than one result).
Click Add Teacher.
Wait while the teacher is added to the course. You will see a message in green:
The user <NUS-ID> is being added to the course.Once the message and window clears, the user has been added. Please verify in People in the course.