If you wish to re-used videos from LumiNUS in Videos (Panopto) you need to migrate the videos to Panopto first.
This migration request will be done by the Video Migration team and it will take some days to complete.
Below are the steps.
Step 1:
Go to LumiNUS → Module Code → Multimedia section → Select the Multimedia you wish to migrate to Panopto.
Note: If the Multimedia is already in MediaWeb, it will not be migrated over even if it is selected.
Note: Only videos and audios hosted on LumiNUS Multimedia will be migrated to Panopto, web links and images are excluded.
Step 2:
Click on the "Request Migration to Panopto" in the picture above, an email will be generated to the Migration team to migrate the videos and audios files selected to Panopto.
Step 3:
You will see an "Imported Multimedia" on your LumiNUS Module and the video and audio files migrated will be in "Imported Multimedia".