LumiNUS video and audio migration to Canvas

LumiNUS video and audio migration to Canvas

Transferring videos from LumiNUS Multimedia channels to your Canvas Course, is a two-step process:

  1. Transfer videos and audio files from LumiNUS Multimedia to LumiNUS Multimedia (MediaWeb).

    1. This migration request will be done by the Video Migration team.
    2. It will take at least three working days.
    3. You will be notified by email once the migration is complete.
  2. Copy videos from LumiNUS Multimedia (MediaWeb) to Canvas Videos/Panopto.

If your videos are already in LumiNUS Multimedia (MediaWeb), you can go to step 2 to copy them to Canvas Videos/Panopto.

Transfer video and audio files from LumiNUS Multimedia to LumiNUS Multimedia (MediaWeb)

Go to the Multimedia channel you want to migrate

Go to LumiNUS → Module Code → Multimedia → Select the Multimedia channel you wish to migrate to Panopto.


  1. If the Multimedia is already in MediaWeb, it will not be migrated over even if it is selected. For MediaWeb folders, follow these instructions instead.
  2. Only videos and audio files hosted on LumiNUS Multimedia can be migrated to Panopto, web links and images are excluded.

Click Request Migration to Panopto

Click Request Migration to Panopto on the right-hand sidebar.

An email will be generated to the Video Migration team to migrate the selected videos and audio files to Panopto (Videos) in Canvas.

MediaWeb channel with Imported Multimedia created in LumiNUS

Once the videos have been migrated to MediaWeb, you will receive a notification email.

In Multimedia in your Module, you will see an Imported Multimedia (MediaWeb) channel. The migrated video and audio files will be in this channel.

The No. of Media will be reflected as No Media until you click into the channel.

After your first visit to the folder, the number of media will be reflected correctly.

Copy videos from LumiNUS Multimedia (MediaWeb) to Canvas Videos/Panopto

These instructions assume that your videos in your LumiNUS Module are in Multimedia (MediaWeb).

If your videos are in Multimedia (non-MediaWeb) in LumiNUS, follow these instructions instead.

In Canvas, go the the Course you want to copy the videos to.

  1. Proceed to the Videos/Panopto section of the Course.

  2. Click the folder selection drop down box on the right of the folder title.

  3. Select the LumiNUS folder on the drop down box. You will see the list of LumiNUS Multimedia (MediaWeb) folders that you have access to.

  4. Select the LumiNUS Multimedia (MediaWeb) folder containing the videos you want to copy to Canvas.
    In the example below: OTH996 -  [1920] 2019/2020 Semester 2: Imported Multimedia.

    All videos migrated from LumiNUS will be placed in <module code> - <term> <acad year/sem>: Imported Multimedia

  5. Once you are in the Imported Multimedia of the module in the LumiNUS folder, you will see the sub-folder(s) in it.

  6. Click into the sub-folder e.g. Demo Intro videos.

  7. To copy the files in e.g. Demo Intro videos to Videos/Panopto, click the expand icon (arrow pointing out the box) on the top right corner.

  8. To copy the videos to Videos/Panopto, mouseover the video image and check on the checkbox to select the individual video or use the select all checkbox on the top beside the Copy icon.

  9. Once selected, click Copy.

  10. You will see the following screen.

  11. Select the Course to copy to or type the module code.

    1. If you used the drop down option, you will select Canvas Courses → followed by the Course you wish to copy the files to as shown below.

    2. If you type the module code, you will see the Module folder. It should indicate that it is in Canvas Courses. You will need to select the Course to copy to.

  12. Once selected it will look like this. Click Copy to start the copy process.

  13. After you click Copy, you can close the MediaWeb window and proceed back to the Canvas portal → Course → Videos/Panopto.

  14. All the selected videos from the selected location will be copied to Videos/Panopto in the selected Course.

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