Schedule a Meeting
Instructors can schedule online Zoom meetings within their Canvas course.
To create a Zoom meeting in Canvas:
Click Zoom from your course navigation.
In Canvas Zoom, click Schedule a New Meeting
Fill out the meeting details and settings.
Topic: Title of your meeting
Add Section: Leave it empty if the whole course can join the meeting. Select Section if only specific section(s) can join the meeting. Maximum of 3 sections can be added.
Add Viewers: Leave it empty if the whole course can view the cloud recordings. Select Section if only certain sections can view the recordings. Maximum of 5 sections can be added.
Description: Enter your meeting description
When: Date and time of the meeting
Duration: total amount of time the meeting will run for (you can enter a meeting early)
Time Zone: Default is GMT +08:00
Recurring meeting: Meetings that will be used more than once in the course (e.g., weekly lectures/tutorials, no fixed time)
Only authenticated users can join meetings: Recommended: Sign in with NUS Zoom account.
Video Host/Participant: select whether you'd like your/your participants' video to be automatically turned on or off
Meeting Options Recommendations:
Unselect Enable join before host
Unselect Use Personal Meeting ID
If you'd like automatic recordings of the meeting, select Record the meeting automatically and save the recording in the cloud.
All Zoom cloud recordings will be made available to students in Canvas after you publish it when videos are ready.
Click Save. You will now see the conference appear under 'Upcoming Meetings'
After scheduling a Zoom meeting in Canvas
All meetings will auto-populate on the Canvas Calendar.
Meetings will also appear in the Zoom web portal of the same account.
No email notification is sent to participants.
Changing meeting details in the Zoom web portal will reflect in the Canvas Zoom but will not be reflected in the Canvas Calendar.
Cloud recordings, once processed, will be made available in Canvas Zoom as Unpublished.
Publishing the Cloud Recordings
Click on Cloud Recordings tab.
Look for the appropriate meeting (use date filter or search by ID if necessary)
Click on the Publish slider button.
Delete will remove all files to trash.
To delete specific files or file types, please visit the Zoom web portal > Recordings
Trash folder will keep the deleted recordings for 30 days, before deleting them permanently.
To edit recording titles, please visit the Zoom web portal > Recordings
Click on Previous Meetings tab
Look for the appropriate meeting
Click on Report
Canvas Zoom Attendance
Features only on Zoom web portal
Some Zoom features cannot be completed in Zoom tool in Canvas. Once meetings are scheduled in Canvas, go to the nus-sg.zoom.us web portal to do the following:
Pre-assign breakout rooms
Manual creation of poll questions. CSV upload option available through Canvas Zoom
Editing the sharing settings of cloud videos (download/authentication access)
Download/Trim cloud recordings
Import meetings into Canvas
Only host can import meetings
Meetings using Personal Meeting IDs cannot be imported into Canvas Zoom
Cannot import Zoom Webinars
Create meetings for groups
Create meetings on the Zoom web portal
Share the Join Links and Recording URLs to each group
For Module Coordinators that need to schedule multiple concurrent sessions
Tutors to assign privilege for you to schedule meetings for them. Provide access to recordings and reports. This is a one-time process.
Module coordinators schedule meetings for the session hosts
Tutors start the meeting and start cloud recording.
Module coordinators to retrieve report.
Migrate LumiNUS past Zoom cloud recordings to Canvas
Automatically it is not possible.
Alternative:Copy and share each meeting Recording URL and Access Passcode in Canvas
Download the cloud recordings and upload them to Canvas Videos/Panopto