Zoom Webinar

Zoom Meeting/Webinar license for 500 pax is provided for all NUS Staff Zoom account from 01 March 2024 till 28 Feb 2025.

Feature comparison




Participant roles

Learn more about Meeting Roles.

Learn more about Webinar Roles.

Audio sharing

  • All participants can mute/unmute their own audio

  • Host can mute/request to unmute participants

  • The host can set all participants to mute upon entry

  • Only the host and panelists can mute/unmute their own audio

  • Attendees join in listen-only mode*

  • The host can unmute one or more attendees

Video sharing

All participants

Hosts and panelists

Prevent participants from starting webcam video

  • Use Security Button to prevent participants from Starting Webcam Video

  • Use Focus Mode to hide participants webcam video from showing to the rest of participants


Screen sharing




Up to 500 Meeting participants for NUS Staff from 01 Mar 2024 till 28 Feb 2025

Temporary Large Meeting limit of 1000 available 

Click here to apply for a temporary Zoom Large Meeting license.

Up to 500 Webinar participants for NUS Staff from 01 Mar 2024 till 28 Feb 2025

Temporary Webinar License Limit of 500/1000/3000 available 

Click here to apply for a temporary Zoom Webinar license.

Participants list

Visible to all participants

Visible to host and panelists only by default

Email reminders


If registration is enabled


In-meeting chat

Webinar chat

Meeting reactions






File transfer










Polling for meetings

Polling for webinars


Surveys for meetings

Surveys for webinars


Facebook | YouTube | NUS Mediaweb (Internal)

Facebook | YouTube | NUS Mediaweb (Internal)


Registration for meetings

Registration for webinars

Closed captioning 
(Live transcript)






Breakout rooms


   Note: NUS Zoom did not subbscribe to Zoom Events

Practice session



Waiting room



*Note: If the host or co-host enables Allow to talk for an attendee, they will be able to enable their microphone, as well as mute and unmute themselves.

To Apply

Click here to apply for a temporary Zoom Large Meeting 1000 license.

Click here to apply for a temporary Zoom Webinar 1000 license.

Zoom Webinar Guides