Can I provide more International Dial-in numbers?
Can I provide more International Dial-in numbers?
- NUS subscription to Zoom includes unlimited VOIP minutes. Please use the internet audio or computer audio at all times.
- NUS does not subscribe to additional audio conferencing plan with Zoom.
- Using phone dial-in will result in toll charges for callers by their phone service provider.
- Using a dial-in number for their country will be treated as a regular phone call.
- Using a dial-in number outside of their country will be treated as a long distance call.
- Option to dial in is provided for users with connection issues.
- Default number provided is Singapore.
- Callers can check the rest of International Dial-in numbers at https://zoom.us/zoomconference.
- You can add other dial-in number in your invitation when scheduling a new meeting.
- Schedule a new meeting.
- Under Audio section, ensure Both is selected.
- Click Edit.
- Add any other International Dial-in numbers. Click Save.