Can I provide more International Dial-in numbers?

Can I provide more International Dial-in numbers?


  1. NUS subscription to Zoom includes unlimited VOIP minutes. Please use the internet audio or computer audio at all times.

  2. NUS does not subscribe to additional audio conferencing plan with Zoom.

  3. Using phone dial-in will result in toll charges for callers by their phone service provider.

  4. Using a dial-in number for their country will be treated as a regular phone call.
  5. Using a dial-in number outside of their country will be treated as a long distance call.

  6. Option to dial in is provided for users with connection issues.

  7. Default number provided is Singapore.

  8. Callers can check the rest of International Dial-in numbers at https://zoom.us/zoomconference.

  9. You can add other dial-in number in your invitation when scheduling a new meeting.
    1. Schedule a new meeting.
    2. Under Audio section, ensure Both is selected.
    3. Click Edit.

    4. Add any other International Dial-in numbers. Click Save.

 Zoom Desktop Client