Securing Our Meetings

Securing Our Meetings

For the safety and privacy of our NUS community and friends when Zooming, please note:

  1. Do not share the meeting ID and passcode on social media. Remind your participants not to do so as well.
    CTLT will not hesitate to suspend any NUS Zoom account and delete meetings without prior notice.

  2. Waiting Room is highly recommended.
    Host will have to admit participants from the waiting room into the meeting room.

    If the name that join doesn't look familiar, you can message them to leave the meeting and rename themselves properly before joining in again.

  3. Disable Join before host option is recommended. 
    Participants can only join after host has launched the Zoom session.

  4. Enable "Only authenticated users can join" is recommended. 
    Select "Sign in to Zoom for NUS Staff and Students only". 
    This will restrict so that only NUS Staff and Students with NUS Zoom accounts will be able to join the meeting.

  5. Update your Zoom Meeting Desktop Client and Mobile Application and inform your participants to do the same.

  6. Familiarize yourself with the Security button.
    It gives you quick access on managing what participants can do in your meeting.

    Security Button Video Guide [NEW] 

    1. Lock Meeting once all the participants are in. 
    2. Limit Share Screen to Host(s) only.
    3. Prevent participants from Chatting.
    4. Prevent participants from Renaming Themselves
    5. Prevent participants from Unmuting Themselves
    6. Prevent participants from Start Video
    7. Suspend Participant Activities

Joining our Meetings

  1. Only the meeting organizer or LumiNUS will send the invitation emails. Zoom only sends out invitation link for meetings that require registration. Do not click any links from unverified sources. You can also go to Canvas Zoom to join if they were scheduled in Canvas.
  2. Some meeting will require authentication. Sign in using your NUS Zoom Account at https://nus-sg.zoom.us.
    If you are signing in from the desktop client and mobile apps, select Sign In with SSO and company domain: nus-sg.
  3. Join URLs for sessions scheduled by NUS Zoom accounts should start with https://nus-sg.zoom.us/...
  4. Do not forward the invitation link or message to others.
  5. Do not post the meeting details like links and passwords on any social media or chat groups.
  6. Your microphone and webcam will not automatically start sending.
    Join Audio, only when you are ready. Start video, only when you are ready.
  7. There will be a Recording status on the top left if the Host or someone approved, is recording the session.
  8. Be aware that anyone in the meeting can record or do a screenshot, using any other tools and software.
    Be cautious about what you say, show and share.
    If it is a confidential document, consider sharing it on OneDrive or nBox instead of transferring the files or sharing the screen via Zoom.
    This will require participants to authenticate themselves in order to access those files.

  9. Be careful with files transferred in Zoom. Verify it was indeed sent by the host. Do not download or open any suspicious files. 
  10. Text Chat too. Do not click on any suspicious URL links.
  11. Alert the host if someone in the participant list looks suspicious and shouldn't be in the meeting. Host can remove participants.
  12. Click Leave Meeting once you are done with the session.

Scheduling our Meetings

  1. Require Password for ALL Meetings. 
  2. Consider giving the the Meeting ID and Password separately to participants. Avoid using the one click to join link.
  3. Enable registration. Option of automatic or manual approval.
  4. Enable only authenticated users can join in.
    Participants will have to Sign In at https://nus-sg.zoom.us. with their NUS-ID and password.
    Participants signing in from the desktop client and mobile apps, to select Sign In with SSO and company domain: nus-sg.
  5. Avoid using the same meeting ID and recurring session for a long period of time.
  6. Avoid using Personal Meeting ID.
  7. Enable Waiting Room. So you can have another level of control on who gets into the Meeting Room. 

Security Button options

  1. Once you have started the Zoom meeting, click on Security Button.

  2. Select/unselect the relevant options.

    What each option does:
      1. Lock Meeting: Prevents new participants from joining the meeting.

      2. Enable Waiting Room: Enables Waiting Room for incoming new participants

      3. Hide Profile Pictures: Hide all profile pictures, including the host. Display names are shown instead.

      4. Share Screen: Allows participants to share their screens.

      5. Chat: Allows participants to use the text chat function.

      6. Rename themselves: Allow participant to rename themselves.

      7. Unmute themselves: Allow participant to unmute their mic themselves.

      8. Start Video: Allow participant to start sending their webcam video

      9. Share Whiteboard: Allows participants to share whiteboards.

      10. Suspend Participant Activities All video, audio, in-meeting chat, annotation, screen sharing, and recording during that time will stop, and Breakout Rooms will end.

  3. If you plan to record, ask permission from the participants first.
  4. End Meeting for All, once you have finished the meeting.
  5. If you have recorded to the Zoom cloud, do not share or leave the files on the cloud longer than necessary.
    Set expiry date or delete them once you are done.

You may also view the video tutorial from here.

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