Web Lectures

Web Lectures

Web Lectures in Canvas will be under a "Web Lectures" folder in Videos/Panopto as shown below.

If you like your Lectures in Lecture Theatres or Seminar Rooms to be recorded, you can submit the request using our Online Webcast Request Form.


Note: For Seminar Rooms request, it is using a self-recording setup, an ITSS staff will be informed to assist you on the setup of the recording in the Seminar Room for the first session you submitted via the Request Form.

Note: For Lecture Theatres and supported Auditoriums/Global Learning Room, the dates/time mentioned in the request form will be scheduled to the recording system setup in these venues, the recorded lecture will default to auto publish, if you do not want to auto publish the recorded lecture, refer to FAQ 2) below.

Note: For Zoom setup in Seminar Rooms and Lecture Theatres, you can contact ITSS of the Faculty the venue is located refer to ITSS Contacts below.


1) I want the lectures to be recorded but I do not want to publish for students to view
Yes, if you indicate in the request form under Remarks for the *supported venues, our staff scheduling the request will take note and disable the auto publish for your Web Lectures.
Alternatively, you can click into the Web Lectures folder and disable the auto publish, https://nus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/fC4UAg

2) I want student to view the lecture recording and not download it.
The default setting for Web Lectures is that only Teachers for the Courses can download their own podcast video, student do not get access to the podcast video download option.

3) I want to record the lecture and prefer not to have myself recorded in the video.
Yes, you can indicate in the request form under Remarks for the *supported venues, our staff recording the lecture will take note and focus the camera on the projector screen.

4) I request for the recording, will there be any staff at the venue to support on site
No, all recordings requested are done via a centralized control room, there will not be any staffs on site to support the recordings. If you need support on site, you can refer to the ITSS Contacts below.

5) Can I use my IPad, laptop, macbook or visualizer for the recording and what is recorded.
Yes, you can use it, the recording setup for the *supported venues, the projector signal is being captured so what is projected by the projector will be recorded and the camera default will on the presenter or their walking zone.

6) Can I restrict the access of my Web Lectures to some students or student with valid reason
Yes, it can be done but it will be quite manual, you will have to create a folder restrict the folder access as mentioned in https://nus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/fkwUAg before you copy the video from Web Lectures to it, https://nus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Ii0UAg

7) Can I request to duplicate my Course recordings to another Course that is teaching and sharing the same materials and content.
Yes, it can be done, you can indicate on the remark section of the form that you need to duplicate the request made to another course, but do note that the duplication is a weekly manual procedure done by the staff supporting many lecture recordings, so it might be missed, so we do recommend that if our staff missed the manual duplication, you can DIY as well via the guide https://nus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Ii0UAg

*supported venues refer to the list of Venues in the request form venue drop down list, which consist of mostly the Lecture Theatres and Auditoriums and some Global Learning Room.

ITSS Contacts

Note: ITSS Contacts links below only works in Intranet, so NUS webVPN is needed if viewing outside of NUS Campus.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

College of Design and Engineering

Faculty of Science / RVRC

School of Business

Faculty of Law

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

NUS Medicine

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