Enable Caption for videos in Videos/Panopto
Videos uploaded to Videos/Panopto can be captioned using the portal’s automatic machine captions.
If the video is already in the Course in Videos/Panopto section and need captioning, here are the steps.
For each video uploaded, you can click on the Settings of each video.Under Captions, select Automatic Machine Captions as shown below and click on Order, it will process the video and embed the automated machine captions to the video.
If the video is not uploaded yet, the sub-folders in Videos/Panopto (e.g. Web Lectures) or the root folder Videos/Panopto can activate the caption via their individual folder settings.
4 steps to activate automatic machine caption so all videos uploaded will be automatically captioned upon uploading.
a) Click on Videos/Panopto
Note: If you want to activate automatic machine caption for a sub-folder (e.g. Web Lectures), you need to click into the folder first)
b) Click on Folder Settings
c) Click on Settings
d) Under Captions => Select Automatic Machine CaptionsNote: The Automatic Machine Caption is for individual folder, so if there are many sub-folders in Videos/Panopto, the 4 steps above need to be repeated for each folder.