Web Lecture Presenter's Guide

  • Use the Lecture Theatre (LT) or Seminar Room microphone so that audio can be captured.

  • Use PowerPoint Slide size 16:9 for best effect.
     Click Design Tab, Select Slide Size and choose Widescreen 16:9 at the drop down list

4:3 does not fill up screen
16:9 fills up screen


  • Avoid using laser pointers as they cannot be captured clearly on camera. Use the mouse instead.

  • DO NOT switch OFF all lights. Leave some lights ON for better video recording.

  • Show the title of the lecture in the first slide for meaningful naming of the video in Canvas.

  • Use the LT/Seminar Room computer for presentation as it is configured for recording.

Quick Webcast Lecture.pdf

Visit the Webcast Service Desk (NUS-ID login required) if you wish to configure your notebook for recording.