This is not Turnitin. This page has instructions about Turnitin.
NUS students do not have access to Turnitin unless enabled by your instructors in LumiNUS.
If you have come here via a search, clicking Create (if visible) above does not send your report to Turnitin.
Login to Turnitin using NUS-ID has been disabled as of 15 December 2016. This is Turnitin's decision, not CIT's.
If you have:
used Turnitin directly before December 2016 or
ever used Turnitin via Canvas, LumiNUS or IVLE,
you already have a Turnitin account with your NUS email as your username and a system-assigned random password.
These instructions are applicable only to Turnitin users who need to access Turnitin directly.
If you only use Turnitin via LumiNUS, these instructions do not apply to you.Instructors and students using Turnitin directly, do note the new account creation and submission process for students.