New courses are created as empty shells. If you want to import content from a previous semester's course, please follow these instructions.
On the front page of your new course, you can click Import existing content > then Copy a Canvas course.
- From your course home page, choose Import existing content
- Choose Copy Canvas Course as the content type, and search for your course title from where you want to copy contents from.
- Then select All content. If you only need to copy specific parts of the course, then choose Select specific content.
- Finally, click Import.
Note import behaviours and limitations
All assignments, discussions and announcements are included in the copy, and placed under Imported assignments/discussions/announcements group. Please do remove the unneeded assignments, discussions and/or announcements before publishing your course or choose only what you want to copy using the "Select Specific Content" option.
Do have a look at the full list of import behaviours and limitations.
Videos in Videos/Panopto are not part of the course import process above.
Please copy your videos from the previous semester's course to the next by following these instructions.