The instructions below are only valid after December 2016 when NUSNET login to Turnitin is disabled.
If you have been using IVLE to log in to Turnitin, you have a separate Turnitin account, not connected to your NUSNET ID and password.
This Turnitin account has a dormant password.
You will have to reset your Turnitin password at the Turnitin website.
- Go to
- Click Login.
- Click Reset Password.
- You need to provide your NUS email address and your last name.
- Unfortunately, as your last name is system-assigned, your actual last name may not tally with the last name in Turnitin's records.
- You may have to try several variations to retrieve your Turnitin password.
- e.g. User's name is Kenneth Gerard Pinto. Actual last name is Pinto. However, user's last name in Turnitin's records is Gerard Pinto.
- If you have tried all possible variations of your name and you have a friendly-mail email, try the friendly-mail instead.
- Once you have reset your password, login at
The NUS Turnitin Administrator does not know what is your last name is in Turnitin.
- Turnitin only displays the entire name where there are submissions.
- Furthermore, there is no search function for instructor users in Turnitin, and there is no access to student users' details.