Current Teaching Practice | |
Lectures | Record video presentations using Panapto or Camtasia Studio (asynchronous) Stream live webinars using Zoom or Microsoft Teams Upload content to LumiNUS Use Learning Flow on LumiNUS to organise student learning Use Weblinks on LumiNUS to link to existing online content Use Discussion Forums and Chat Rooms on LumiNUS for class discussions
Small-group, Hands-on Activities (e.g., tutorials, seminars, laboratory classes, field trips, design studios) | Use breakout rooms on Zoom or channels on Microsoft Teams to conduct small group discussions Provide raw data for virtual data analysis Post online simulations, collections, demonstrations or links to virtual tours for discussion, critique, analysis Provide external media files or links for virtual analysis Have students submit video or digital recordings of their presentations or performances
Group Projects and Group Work | Create Project Groups in LumiNUS Use Microsoft Teams, Office 365 or Google Docs for student collaboration Provide options for students to meet virtually (e.g. Zoom or Microsoft Teams) Student video recording or digital sharing of projects or performances Structure peer feedback using Discussion Forums on LumiNUS or TEAMMATES
Communications | |
Tests, Quizzes and Final Examinations | Use the Quiz tool in LumiNUS to set quizzes Online exams can be created using ExamSoft Explore online assessments such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and video presentations A number of traditional options are still relevant, including group projects, term papers and reflective portfolios
Office Hours | |
Assignments and Feedback | Create a folder in Files on LumiNUS, allow student submissions and enable Turnitin integration so students can upload assignments Set up the Gradebook on LumiNUS Use the Rubric tool in LumiNUS to help grade assignments Provide digital feedback (audio, video or written) on assignments