

Current Teaching Practice

Online Teaching Option

Current Teaching Practice

Online Teaching Option


  • Record video presentations using Panapto or Camtasia Studio (asynchronous)

  • Stream live webinars using Zoom or Microsoft Teams

  • Upload content to LumiNUS

  • Use Learning Flow on LumiNUS to organise student learning

  • Use Weblinks on LumiNUS to link to existing online content

  • Use Discussion Forums and Chat Rooms on LumiNUS for class discussions

Small-group, Hands-on Activities (e.g., tutorials, seminars, laboratory classes, field trips, design studios)

  • Use breakout rooms on Zoom or channels on Microsoft Teams to conduct small group discussions

  • Provide raw data for virtual data analysis

  • Post online simulations, collections, demonstrations or links to virtual tours for discussion, critique, analysis

  • Provide external media files or links for virtual analysis

  • Have students submit video or digital recordings of their presentations or performances

Group Projects and Group Work

  • Create Project Groups in LumiNUS

  • Use Microsoft Teams, Office 365 or Google Docs for student collaboration

  • Provide options for students to meet virtually (e.g. Zoom or Microsoft Teams)

  • Student video recording or digital sharing of projects or performances

  • Structure peer feedback using Discussion Forums on LumiNUS or TEAMMATES


  • Use Discussion Forums on LumiNUS rather than email to communicate about content queries

  • Use Announcements on LumiNUS with the email option flagged to keep students informed on course content and news

Tests, Quizzes and Final Examinations

  • Use the Quiz tool in LumiNUS to set quizzes

  • Online exams can be created using ExamSoft

  • Explore online assessments such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and video presentations

  • A number of traditional options are still relevant, including group projects, term papers and reflective portfolios

Office Hours

  • Hold virtual office hours using Zoom

  • Create a FAQ in the Discussion Forums on LumiNUS

Assignments and Feedback

  • Create a folder in Files on LumiNUS, allow student submissions and enable Turnitin integration so students can upload assignments

  • Set up the Gradebook on LumiNUS

  • Use the Rubric tool in LumiNUS to help grade assignments

  • Provide digital feedback (audio, video or written) on assignments

This table has been adapted from https://taylorinstitute.ucalgary.ca/sites/default/files/Content/Continuity/Teaching_Remotely_Checklist.pdf

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