Note: There is a 20sec delay for viewers joining via Livestream on Facebook, YouTube or NUS Mediaweb.
Prepare Mediaweb Stream
- Go to
- Sign in with NUSNET ID and password.
- Click on Create. If you do not have access to Create, please refer to Requesting for access to create and upload files to MediaWeb .
- Select Webcast.
- Type in Name, Select Folder Destination and click Create.
- Click on Manage.
- Click on RTMP Source.
- Copy out the Server URL to a NotePad or Text Edit. This will be the Stream URL.
- Copy out the Stream keys to a NotePad or Text Edit. This will be the Stream Key.
- Click on Share.
- Select Who has access to this livestream.
- Add People or Groups as Viewers, if you have a module code.
- Who can access this video:
- Anyone at your organization who has the link
- Anyone at your organization who has the link
- Copy the Viewer Link; to a NotePad or Text Edit. This will be the Live streaming page URL.
- Select Who has access to this livestream.
Enable Livestream to Mediaweb for your Zoom Account
You may skip this if it has been enabled before.
- Go to
- Sign In with NUSNET ID and password.
- Click on Settings.
- Enable LiveStream.
Schedule a Meeting
- Go to
- Sign In with NUSNET ID and password.
- Schedule a Meeting. (Click on meeting topic if it has been created)
- Provide meeting details. Click Save.
- Click on Live Streaming
- Click Configure Custom Streaming Service.
- Provide the 3 information from Mediaweb:
- Stream URL
- Stream key
- Live streaming page URL
Ready to start Zoom and Livestream
Note: The stream setup is VALID FOR ONE TIME USE ONLY.
If you are testing the Livestream for a dry run, you will need to setup another Livestream with a different stream key.
- Launch Zoom Session a few minutes earlier.
- Click More > Live on Custom Live Streaming Service.
- Status on Zoom indicates it’s LIVE: on Custom Live Streaming Service.
- Consent to stay in meeting while Zoom livestreams.
- The livestream will appear on your web browser.
Click Play to test the stream.
Note: There will be a 15-20sec delay.
Your webcam will also not be mirrored.
Once you can see and hear your Zoom session streaming successfully, you may close the. web browser.