NUS Tools replaces the Course Roster tool.
NUS Tools allows you to manage/access:
Course details
NUS Tools allows you to edit the course name and course code for non-academic courses.
It also allows you to delete non-academic courses.
The delete and edit links only appear for non-academic courses.
Click Edit course to edit the course name or course code of a non-academic course.
Click Delete this course to delete a non-academic course.
NUS Tools allows you to create, edit and delete sections.
Official sections in academic courses cannot be edited nor deleted.
To add a new section, enter a section name in the text field, then click Add section.
To edit a section name, click the pencil icon, enter a new section name, then click Update.
To delete a section, click the cross icon, then click OK to confirm deletion.
People (Course Roster)
NUS Tools provides a course roster with a large photo and additional student information.
You may export the course roster to an Excel spreadsheet.
Use the search bar to search for a particular student.
Use the Student Roles drop-down list to only view a specific student role.
Use the Sections drop-down list to display a specific section.
Click the three dots, then Export to Excel to export a course roster, with photos, to an Excel spreadsheet. You can choose a specific role and a specific section to export.