Please approach your examiner for the password for your course's practice exams (if any).
The password for all practice exams below is password1
There are a total of 9 practice exams. You should attempt the practice exam which best fits the assessment mode for your course.
Exam Name | Description |
Practice Exam - Secure Resume Code: F78B92 | This performs a full lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet or run any other programs. |
Practice Exam - Secure No Backward Navigation Resume Code: | This performs a full lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet, run any other programs or see previous questions once you advance forward. |
Practice Exam - Non-Secure Block Internet Resume Code: CF705A | This performs a partial lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet. But you can run other programs and switch between windows. Non-secure block internet assessment is NOT supported by the iPad. |
Practice Exam - Non-Secure Block Internet and No Backward Navigation Resume Code: DD31B4 | This performs a partial lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet or see previous questions once you advance forward. But you can run other programs and switch between windows. Non-secure block internet assessment is NOT supported by iPad. |
Practice Exam - Non-Secure with Internet Resume Code: EACEA6 | This does not perform any form of lockdown on the laptop. Best used for refreshing your memory on the features and functionality of Examplify. |
Practice Exam - Non-Secure with Internet and No Backward Navigation Resume Code: EFF8EF | This does not perform any form of lockdown on the laptop. But you will not be able to see previous questions once you advance forward. |
Practice Exam - Non-Secure with Internet and Suspend Resume Code: | This simulates take-home exam. You will be able to suspend the exam and return to it at a later time. When suspended, the timer stops counting down. |
Practice Exam - Secure (for LAW courses) Resume Code: 265588 | This performs a full lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet or run any other programs. |
Practice Exam - Non Secure Block Internet (for LAW courses) Resume Code: 15B04C | This performs a partial lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet. But you can run other programs and switch between windows. Non-secure block internet assessment is NOT supported by the iPad. |