Practice Exams

Practice Exams

Please approach your examiner for the password for your course's practice exams (if any).

The password for all practice exams below is Examplify101

There are a total of 5 practice exams. You should attempt the practice exam which best fits the assessment mode for your course.

Exam NameDescription

Practice Exam - Secure

Resume Code: 1908D4

This performs a full lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet or run any other programs.

Practice Exam - Secure No Backward Navigation

Resume Code: 1AD8FB

This performs a full lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet, run any other programs or see previous questions once you advance forward.

Practice Exam - Non-Secure Block Internet

Resume Code: 1C9C43

This performs a partial lockdown of your laptop. You will not be able to connect to the internet. But you can run other programs and switch between windows. Non-secure block internet assessment is NOT supported by the iPad.

Practice Exam - Non-Secure with Internet

Resume Code: 8791EA

This does not perform any form of lockdown on the laptop. Best used for refreshing your memory on the features and functionality of Examplify.

Practice Exam - Non-Secure with Internet and Suspend

Resume Code: 9D65D4

This simulates take-home exam. You will be able to suspend the exam and return to it at a later time. When suspended, the timer stops counting down.

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