3 - Submit supporting documents in EduRec (edX)
edX courses that you've passed will take a few days to reflect on your EduRec after completion.
If you are still unable to view the edX MOOC records on EduRec after 1 week of completion, write to Office of the University Registrar via OUR Enquiry Form for further assistance.
(a) Prepare supporting documents required (in PDF)
Verified Certificate
Certificate URL
PDF copy
Edx Receipt
Select the drop-down arrow next to your username in the upper right of http://edx.org and select Order History.
Select Order Details of the course you are looking for to view the confirmation page of an order.
To obtain a receipt in PDF, go to File > Print > Save as PDF. If you have paid by PayPal, you can also find a detailed invoice in your PayPal account.
Proof of payment
You may provide the credit/debit card statement or screen capture of transaction showing the equivalent SGD amount paid from your iBanking app.
If you paid for the Verified Track directly in USD or another foreign currency, you may use an online FX converter e.g., Currency Converter | Foreign Exchange Rates | OANDA to convert the USD/foreign currency to SGD based on the order date shown on the edX receipt, and submit a screen capture of the foreign exchange conversion as supporting document.
(b) Submit on EduRec
Please refer to the timeline for submission for counting credits to semester on DYOC website (under "Option A - Fully online learning").
Login to EduRec https://myportal.nus.edu.sg/studentportal/eservices/all/myedurec.html and refer to the guide under Academics > Submit DYOC (MOOC) Application.
For supporting documents for inclusion during application on EduRec, please provide payment records in both currencies (i.e., USD and SGD). Kindly note please Office of Finance will not reimburse exchange differences retrospectively, and processing will be done based on submitted supporting documents.
Only edX courses that you've passed will show up on EduRec a few days after completion.