CDE Common Curriculum (AY2021/22 Cohort onwards)

CDE Common Curriculum (AY2021/22 Cohort onwards)


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For AY2025/2026 Cohort onwards, there will be changes to CDE Common Curriculum. Please check back later for updates.

DTK1234 Design Thinking
*Recommended in Year 1

EG1311 Design & Make
*Recommended in Year 1

PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management *Recommended in Year 1

IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics

CDE2501 Liveable Cities *Cohort AY21/22 will read it from AY22/23 onwards

EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning (students in BA/BLA programmes can opt for CDE2212 AI for Design or HS1501 Artificial Intelligence and Society instead)

CDE2000 Creating Narratives

Range of courses

ES2631 Critique and Communication of Thinking and Design (for BEng programmes only)

GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data *Recommended in Year 1

CS1010E Programming Methodology for BEng programmes; CS1010 for CEG; AR2524 or ID2116 for BA/BLA programmes 

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*Typically from Year 2 onwards. Students are strongly encouraged to plan ahead if they intend to take year-long service learning courses.

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