Academic Development Management System (ADMS)

Academic Development Management System (ADMS)

I cannot register when I click on the course link

Please log in to ADMS first, then click the course link again (if you have the link to register) or find the course in the Catalog after you have logged in.

I am an NUS student/visitor, and I cannot log in to ADMS

ADMS allows login for NUS staff only. If you are an NUS student/visitor who wishes to register for a course on ADMS, please contact the event/course admin listed in the email where you came across the event/course.

I am a new NUS staff, and I cannot log in to ADMS

Accounts as synced once a week, every Sunday night. If you are a staff member who has just joined NUS, please login and register on the following Monday after you joined.

If you need to sign up for an event/course urgently, please contact the event/course admin listed in the email where you came across the event/course.

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