Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD)

Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD)

The Learning Analytics Dashboard collates data from Canvas course regarding the class engagement and students' performance in the course. It provides an interactive, historical, personalized, and analytical monitoring display that reflects students’ performance and engagement in the course.

For students, the Learning Analytics Dashboard would show a list of unviewed contents and unsubmitted assignments which are hyperlinked to the corresponding items in the course to make it easier for students to keep track of contents or assignments that they still need to do.

Additionally, the Learning Analytics Dashboard would also show students a cautionary message if their engagement or assessment score fall below a set indicator.




The following information are for the student’s dashboard. Instructor’s guide can be found in this link.

To access the Learning Analytics Dashboard, you can log in to Canvas and click Learning Analytics from the left panel. This will bring you to a page where you can find information regarding the Learning Analytics Dashboard. You would need to go to the Information for Students section where you can find the link to the dashboard.

Alternatively, the Learning Analytics Dashboard is also accessible from the following link.

If you are asked to enter an email, please enter your NUS email and proceed to login using your NUS email and password.



Once you are inside the Learning Analytics Dashboard, you can view information regarding your course by selecting the course from the drop-down option.



The main page of the Learning Analytics Dashboard will list out files, pages, videos, and assignments you have not completed.

The items in the list are links which you can click to bring you to the item directly.



The top panel of the dashboard will show information regarding your Score Rank, Learning Material Utilization Status, and Academic Assessment Status.

This information can be shown or hidden depending on your preference by choosing On or Off under Score Rank.


The Score Rank is based on your total assessment score (as recorded in Canvas Grades) and the stars correspond to your quartile in the class, i.e. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.

The Learning Materials Utilization Status will show a cautionary message if your average viewing percentage of files, pages, and videos are less than 40% and your average viewing rate is in the bottom 10th percentile of the class.

The Academic Assessment Status will show a cautionary message if your total assessment score (as recorded in Canvas Grades) is below the class mean with a value greater than 1.5 standard deviation and your assessment score is in the bottom 10th percentile of the class.


You can choose to display or hide information in the dashboard by clicking Yes or No accordingly in the Show All option.


You can bookmark the courses that you are taking in the semester by choosing them in the available pages. The steps are as follows:

  1. Select an available page.


  2. Select your course from the drop-down menu.



In the bookmarked pages, you can set the types of contents that you want to be listed by selecting them from the drop-down menu.



You can reset all your bookmarked courses by clicking on the Reset to default button. This will clear all your bookmarked pages as well as setting the display back to default.



Important Notes & Disclaimer

  • The information indicated in the students' Score Rank may not necessarily align to the final grade students will receive in the course, because the Score Rank only factors in assessments that are recorded in Canvas.

  • Data in the dashboard are updated once a day so new completion on content and assessment may only be reflected the next day.

Issue & Feedback

For feedback on current features or suggestions for new features, please fill in this form.

If you have any questions or issues, please log your issue in the helpdesk.



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