Poll Everywhere Team

Poll Everywhere Team

Team in Poll Everywhere allow you to:

  • share activities with each other - this is useful for example when several instructors are running different sessions but would like to present the same activities to all the sessions.

  • have your team members help you moderate the responses that come in, for example if you are running a Q&A activity in an event, you would like the responses to be moderated first before the participants can see them and vote on them.

To have a team created for you, please raise a ticket in CTLT helpdesk. The requestor will be made the team manager and they can add their own members to the team. When adding users to the team, you can search by NUS email or friendly email. If you cannot find the users after searching, it is likely the users have not logged in to Poll Everywhere before, so please ask them to login to Poll Everywhere first and then try to add them again.

Below are some recommended guide for sharing activities and team moderation.

It is recommended that you put the activities that you want to share into a folder. After you have done so, you can share the folder to your team.

You can then instruct your team members to see the shared activities by going to the Shared with me page https://www.polleverywhere.com/shared/polls

If you are inserting these activities in your PowerPoint slides, then in PowerPoint when inserting the activity go to Shared Activities tab and then insert the activities.

Each of the team member will be able to present these shared activities using their own unique URL / username.

When exporting the report, the presenter could choose to export report for their own session or choose to export the reports from all the presenters / team members. To export the report from all presenters, go to Select presenter tab and choose All presenters from the drop down option.


Moderation is only available in the following activity types: word cloud, open-ended, Q&A.

Steps to enable team moderation are as follow:

  1. Go to the activity that you want to be moderated.

  2. On the right hand panel, expand Moderation tab and click open moderation.

  3. A new page will appear and in this page there are two steps that you need to do.
    Step 1 - Click Moderate responses; a check mark indicates that moderation is enabled. Once this is enabled, all the responses that come in will automatically be hidden until they are made visible. Participants will only be able to see visible responses and vote on them for Q&A activity.
    Step 2 - In the Shared moderation section, tick Allow presenters on your Team to moderate and then pass your team members the Moderator link. Your team members would need to go to that link to be able to make hidden responses visible.

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