Poll Everywhere General Workflow

Poll Everywhere General Workflow

Step 1. Login at https://www.polleverywhere.com - use your NUS email address and password.

Step 2. In the main page, click + Activity to start creating questions.

Tips: You can create a Folder first before creating questions / activities, so that your activities can be put inside the folder. Alternatively, you can create the questions first and then later create a folder to put the questions in.

Step 3 (if required). If you want to track your student, decide how you want to do that. There are 2 options that you can choose.

Option 1: Create one Open-ended question to ask students to enter their Student number / NUS student ID / Name in every session. You can have the question at the beginning or end of the session.

Please note: participants can only attempt question which are currently active, so having the question at the beginning of the session may exclude people who come late to the session, i.e. the rest of their answers will not be able to be identified.

Example of the open-ended question:

  • Please enter your NUS student ID, the one in the following format: e0123456. 
  • Please enter your name as written in your matric card.

Option 2: Restrict the questions to registered participants only. This will force the participants to login before answering. All NUS users (staff and students) can login using their NUS id and password.

Steps to restrict the questions to registered participants are as follows:

  1. Select the folder that contains your questions.
  2. Click Configure.
  3. On Who can participate? option, slide the Enable participation override so that it can be set to Restrict to registered participants only.
  4. Click Done.

Step 4. Do either one of the following:

Option 1: Insert the poll into PowerPoint, Key note, or Google Slides and then run the slides. Make sure the plugin for the software has already been installed in the computer that you use to create and present the slides. Also make sure that you are logged in in the plugin.

Example of how Poll Everywhere plugin appear in PowerPoint.

For information on how to insert the questions in MacOS, please refer to this guide.

Option 2: Login to the site and click on the title of the first poll in your group and start presenting by clicking the Fullscreen button. Click Next to move on to the next poll.

Example of how to present the question from the web.

Each instructor will have an instructor code that is attached to a url that students can go to respond to the questions. The url to respond to the questions will be in the following format: https://pollev.com/instructorCode

Alternatively, students can install Poll Everywhere app and then enter the instructor code. The app can be found here: https://www.polleverywhere.com

Links are at the bottom of the page or under the header MOBILE APPS.

Step 5 (if required). Export the report or gradebook.

Guide: https://www.polleverywhere.com/support/articles/reporting/reporting-intro

Steps to export the report:

  1. Select the folder that contains your questions.
  2. Click the Create report button.
  3. Most instructors find the Gradebook report type to be useful.
    • If the questions can be graded, the grade will be automatically calculated.
    • This report also presents the participation percentage, which is how many questions the participants answer out of the total number of questions.
  4. Export the excel file by clicking the Download button on the right hand panel.

Steps to import Poll Everywhere grade or participation to Canvas are as follow:

  1. Download the Gradebook report from Poll Everywhere.
  2. Download the following template: import-grade-PE.csv.
  3. Open import-grade-PE.csv and do the followings:
    • starting from row 2, copy the Custom Report ID / column D from Poll Everywhere Gradebook report and paste it to column C / SIS User ID.
    • starting from row 2, depending on your need copy the Grade or Participation column from Poll Everywhere Gradebook report and paste it to column G / Poll Everywhere.
    • Leave all the other columns in import-grade-PE.csv blank.
  4. Go to the Grades section of your Canvas course and then click Actions > Import and upload the filled import-grade-PE.csv.

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