Converting your 360 videos

Converting your 360 videos

Captured 360 videos require conversion to an equirectangular format and being injected with the necessary video metadata before being uploaded online.

Sample Raw Capture from CameraSample Converted Version of Raw Capture (Equirectangular Format)


  1. Select "Videos" tab in the 360fly Director software, hover over the thumbnail for the video you want and click "Convert".

  2. In the "Convert to Equirectangular" window, choose the highest resolution in the dropdown menu. Click "Convert".

  3. Wait for the video to finish converting. It is advised to quit any running applications in the background to reduce waiting time.

  4. This window will pop up once conversion is completed. Your video is now available in an equirectangular format.
    Go to YouTube's page here and follow the instructions to use their 360 Video Metadata App, which will allow your video to be recognised as a 360 video when uploaded to YouTube.

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