Send a support request to Turnitin or iThenticate

Send a support request to Turnitin or iThenticate

  1. Go to Submit a request.

  2. For Let us help you, select Turnitin Ticket Form.

  3. Enter your email address.

  4. For Which Turnitin product is your query in relation to? select:

    1. Feedback Studio, for Turnitin, or

    2. iThenticate.

Feedback Studio (Turnitin) options

  1. Select the relevant option from the Which product feature does your request for support relate to? drop-down list.

  2. For How are you accessing Turnitin?, select Canvas.

  3. For Select your User Role, select Instructor or Student.

  4. Fill in the Subject (a short, relevant summary), Description (details about your query/issue) and upload any relevant screenshots/recordings to Attachments.

  5. Click Submit.

iThenticate options

  1. For Which product feature does your request for support relate to?, select Similarity Checking (the only option).

  2. For How are you accessing Turnitin?, select iThenticate website.

  3. For Select your User Role, select User.

  4. Fill in the Subject (a short, relevant summary), Description (details about your query/issue) and upload any relevant screenshots/recordings to Attachments.

  5. Click Submit.

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