Turnitin and iThenticate Comparison

Turnitin and iThenticate Comparison

Turnitin and iThenticate are plagiarism prevention tools targeted at different groups of users.

The comparison table and user flowchart below show the differences between the two tools.

Please select the appropriate tool for your needs.

Comparison Table


For instructors to check students' work in a classroom setting.

For postgraduate students and academic staff/researchers to check their own work.


Log in to:

DO NOT sign up for an account on iThenticate's website.
Use the account request form below.


Quick Start Guides


Feedback Studio

Similarity checking.

Submissions checked against

Web pages, other content, scholarly journals, student paper database.

Web pages, other content, scholarly journals, ProQuest Dissertations.


(By default) added to student paper database.
Lecturer can change this setting.

Not added to database.

Submission maximum length and size*

400 pages or less, 40 MB or less.

400 pages or less, 40 MB or less.

File types

MS Word, Word XML, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, HWP, plain text and MS PowerPoint.

MS Word, Word XML, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, HWP, plain text and OpenOffice (ODT).


Privacy Pledge.

Privacy Pledge.

* Exclude non-textual information if you have exceeded the limits.

Adapted from iThenticate > Resources > Academic (retrieved on 1 August 2014).

User Flowchart

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