Wiki.nus Terms of Use

Wiki.nus Terms of Use

  1. By using Wiki.nus, you agree to adhere to Singapore's laws, NUS Acceptable Use Policy for IT Resources, NUS Personal Data Protection Policy and Procedures, NUS Data Management Policy and other relevant NUS policies and guidelines.

  2. While Wiki.nus is cleared up to NUS Confidential data, the primary purpose of Wiki.nus is for the provision of public information.

  3. Users will be responsible for the content that they create, including backing up their content.

  4. As a service provider, the Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology (CTLT) - and by extension the National University of Singapore (NUS) - is not liable for any legal or financial issues which may arise as a result of your use of Wiki.nus.

  5. CTLT reserves the right to remove content from wiki spaces, remove entire wiki spaces and remove inactive users without prior notice. 

  6. CTLT reserves the right to amend the Wiki.nus Terms of Use and Wiki.nus Disclaimers when necessary.

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