How do I reset my NUS-ID password?

How do I reset my NUS-ID password?

Change Password (if you still remember your old password)

  1. Go to the NUS password portal https://exchange.nus.edu.sg/passwordportal/

  2. Enter your NUS-ID, the old password and the new password and click on "Submit".

Forgot Password (if you do not remember your old password)

  1. If you have not registered your mobile number in the NUS Education Records (EduRec) System, go to How do I register my mobile number in NUS EduRec?

  2. If you have registered your mobile number in the NUS Education Records System:

    1. Go to https://myaces.nus.edu.sg/passwordreset

    2. Step 1 – Submit the request

      1. Fill in the information as required. Click on "Submit".

      2. A One-Time-Password (OTP) will be sent to your mobile phone via SMS.


    3. Step 2 – Retrieve the OTP


    4. Step 3 – Enter the OTP


    5. Step 4 – Receiving your temporary password

      1. You will receive another SMS containing the first 8 characters of the temporary password within 1 – 2 minutes.

      2. Append the last 4 numeric digits of your student ID (Axxxxxxx) to the end of the string to form your temporary password.


    6. Step 5 – Change the temporary password

      1. Go to the NUS password portal https://exchange.nus.edu.sg/passwordportal/

      2. Enter your NUS-ID, the temporary password and the new password and click on "Submit".

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