Log in to Blog.nus

Log in to Blog.nus

  1. Click Log In on the top right.

  2. Input your NUS-ID email.

    1. This is in the format e0123456@u.nus.edu for students or abcefg@nus.edu.sg for staff.

    2. Do not use your friendly-mail alias, if you have one.

    3. For units with custom sub-domains, e.g. Duke-NUS please use your NUS-ID email as well, following the format in 2a above.

  3. Click Next. You will be taken the respective NUS login page.

    1. Students will be prompted to log in using their NUS-ID or NUS-ID email and password e.g.

      1. e0123456 or

      2. e0123456@u.nus.edu

    2. Staff will be prompted to log in using their NUS-ID with domain prefix and password e.g.

      1. NUSSTF\abcefg

  4. Click Sign in.

  5. You will be prompted for MFA using Microsoft Authenticator. Open the Authenticator app and approve the sign in request using the number provided.

You should be logged in to Blog.nus.

If you find that you do not see the blogs you used to have access to, you likely had a Blog.nus account under a friendly-mail alias. Your blog(s) still exist, but need to be linked to your NUS-ID. Please contact CTLT Services Help so that we can restore access to your blog(s).


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