Create a blog

Create a blog

Go to Blog.nus.

Click Sign up here.

Sign up here
Sign up here

Account Details

Fill in the Username. For privacy, avoid your . e.g. citabc or e0123456 .

The username must be at least 4 characters, letters and numbers only.

Fill in the Email Address. You must use your NUS email address. We recommend your (non-friendly) email address e.g. citabc@nus.edu.sg or e012356@u.nus.edu .

Read the Terms of Service. Check I Agree, if you agree to the terms.

Choose Gimme a site! (Creates your Blog.nus account and a blog.) or Just a username, please. (Creates a Blog.nus account only.)

  1. More on the difference between creating a site and creating a username.

  2. Usually, you create a username only if someone wants to add you to a Blog.nus blog, but you do not have a Blog.nus account.

  3. You can own or be part of many blogs using the same Blog.nus account (username).

Click Next.

Fill in username and password
Fill in username and password

Blog Details

Blog.nus will suggest a Site Name. This becomes part of the URL or web address of the blog.

We recommend that you choose your own site name. Try not to use your NUS-ID, especially if you are a student.

  • The Site Name cannot be changed after the blog is created. If you want a different URL, you will have to create another blog.

  • The site name must be at least four characters, letters and numbers only.

  • If the blog is for a course, you may use a course code so that you get, e.g. blog.nus.edu.sg/abc123

  • If you know you will be using different blogs for the same course each semester, you may want to add the year or semester, e.g.

    • blog.nus.edu.sg/abc1232016

    • blog.nus.edu.sg/marketingintro2016

Input the Site Title. This is the display name or what will appear as the title of the blog. This can be changed after the blog is created.

Change the Site Language, if necessary. This allows you to change the admin interface language.

Choose the Privacy level. (Notes on blog privacy.)

Click Signup.

Choose Site Name, Title and Privacy
Choose Site Name, Title and Privacy


You will see successful blog creation message.

Check your email for the activation link. Click it to activate the blog.

If you have not received the activation email after a few hours:

  • Check your NUS email spam folder.

  • Check your email folder of the account you forward your NUS email to. (If applicable.)

  • Check the NUS NoSpam Mail digest (sent around 7am and 4pm daily).

Follow activation instructions
Follow activation instructions

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