Create a blog post
A blog post is typically the most common type of content on a blog.
A blog post:
is ordered reverse-chronologically on the blog (latest post visible first, then older posts below) and
can be organised by categories and tags (what's the difference?).
Go to your blog.
Log in to your blog, if you have not done so.
Mouseover + New, then click Post.
Enter a Title.
Write your Post in the large text box.
You may want to add categories or tags to your post.
Click Publish.
Once your post is published, you should see a confirmation message, with a View Post link. Click the link to view the post on your blog.
Once your post is published, you should see a confirmation message, with a View Post link. Click the link to view the post on your blog.
Refer to Edublogs Help for more on posts.