Title: | Common Queries | |
Owner: | Husaini Muhammad | |
Creator: | Husaini Muhammad | 02 Sept 2024 |
Last Changed by: | Husaini Muhammad | 01 Oct 2024 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://nus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CgDtE | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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CDMS - Class Data Management System (1)
Class Data Management System (CDMS) |
Children (16)
I am unable to edit the Canvas Syllabus (Academic courses)?
Access CDMS as a 'Course Coordinator'
How to Combine Canvas Courses?
What is auto published by CDMS before CourseReg?
I wish to skip using Canvas’ Syllabus for now. Is there a way?
Why is the course information is still showing old version in CDMS?
How to clear imported Syllabus contents in my Canvas course?
Why is the Final Exam in Assessment Components non-editable?
My course is year-long and I need to extend it (to the following semester). Do I use CDMS Course Combination tool?
Why didn't CDMS update the refreshed data from CMS?
I am unable to edit the Canvas Syllabus (Academic courses)?
Access CDMS as a 'Course Coordinator'
How to Combine Canvas Courses?
What is auto published by CDMS before CourseReg?
I wish to skip using Canvas’ Syllabus for now. Is there a way?
Why is the course information is still showing old version in CDMS?
How to clear imported Syllabus contents in my Canvas course?
Why is the Final Exam in Assessment Components non-editable?
My course is year-long and I need to extend it (to the following semester). Do I use CDMS Course Combination tool?
Why didn't CDMS update the refreshed data from CMS?
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