Canvas Instructor
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Canvas General Information
Log in to Canvas
Common queries
Access a past or closed Course
Access denied error when using Student View on a page
Access Student Feedback from Canvas
Accessing Course Access Report
Add equations
Add non-NUS users to a course
Add NUS students and staff as guests to my course
All questions in a group can only have equal marks. What is the use of the editable mark box then?
Allowed multiple attempts (unlimited) but students can only make one attempt for Classic Quizzes
Apply course dates for a year-long course
Apply for NUS Visitor account (for long-term non-NUS instructors)
Apply for web lecture recording
Archive/download Gradebook
Assignment dates cannot be before term start date
Assignment Group vs Group Assignment
Assignments (File Upload) primer
Attempt to save Assignment but nothing happens
Attendance auto-creates an assignment
Can all students in a group see their group's submission in an assignment?
Can files be accessed by students directly without having to create pages?
Can I set a default number of points for all questions within classic quizzes?
Can quiz questions be segregated into sections?
Can students see their analytics in Canvas to check their participation?
Cannot add a student/staff to my course
Certificates for safety courses
Change course nickname
Change the default grading scheme to the NUS grading scheme
Check assignment submission status - late or not submitted?
Check student access report within a course?
Concerns/issues with transitioning to New Quizzes tool in Canvas
Copy a course from a non-NUS Canvas site to a course in NUS Canvas
Copy a course from a previous semester
Copy quiz questions from a classic quiz to Question bank
Copy Studio videos from one Course to another Course
Copy Videos/Panopto videos from one course to another course
Count number of discussion posts per student
Course and User creation in Canvas
Create a Files submission folder
Create a new gradebook item in Canvas
Create a Quiz in Canvas (using Classic Quizzes)
Create a space for your tutorial/lecture/other group
Create an anonymous survey in Canvas
Create an Assignment for each tutorial section
Create an attendance list to take attendance
Create and manage consultation slots
Create assignment columns for non-submission assignments in Gradebook
Create sub-forums or categories in Discussions
Cross-listed courses in Canvas
Delete student submissions and allow students to re-submit
Display only letter grades in gradebook
Download a list of students and their groups within a Group Set?
Does Videos/Panopto allow my students to download the videos?
Download all submitted files to an Assignment, rather than one by one
Download or export class roster/list
Duplicate a Canvas Quiz
Edit Quiz settings from "Quiz score to Keep Highest" to "Latest" (or vice versa) and the Quiz results do not reflect the changes made
Email students in a class or a specific sections/tutorial groups
Ensure grade accuracy
External link refused to connect
Fixed column widths for tables
For file uploads in assignments which allow multiple attempts, are the files uploaded in earlier attempts overwritten?
Gather mid-semester feedback
Gradebook columns explainer
Grading a graded discussion
Group sets and groups with respect to sections in NUS Canvas
Groups and sections in Canvas
Guest students' role and course visibility
Hide and post grades
Hide totals in student grade summaries and assignment grade distribution graphs
How can I add Teachers and TAs to a course?
How can I use each of the tools in Canvas?
How can students view course information before module registration?
How can we relate CMIS role and Canvas roles?
How do I reply to Canvas messages via Outlook?
How does Assign To work?
How often is People synced with EduRec/CMIS?
How to compress images and make my file / PowerPoint smaller in file size?
How will changing a file's availability dates affect its availability in Modules (or other Canvas tools)?
I cannot add t-accounts to my course. What should I do?
I cannot log in to Canvas
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Canvas Instructor
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