Switch MacBook appearance from Dark mode to Light mode

Switch MacBook appearance from Dark mode to Light mode

While in Dark mode, the dock, menu bar, and all of your Apple apps, including Safari, Mail, Calendar, Notes, the Mac App Store, Messages, and more will feature darker colours and themes. Dark mode may resulting in some text will not be seen in Examplify. As such, please follow the instructions below to switch your MacBook appearance to Light mode before the start of the examination. 

  1. Click on the Apple logo on the top left menu bar.

  2. Choose System Preferences.  


  3. Select General.


  4. In the "Appearance" section at the top of the window, click the "Light" option. Please relaunch Examplify after switching to Light Mode. 


Those are the only steps required to enable Light mode. If you want to turn Dark mode on again, follow the same steps but this time choose the "Dark" option. 

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