The Application’s Service is Unavailable - Mac

The Application’s Service is Unavailable - Mac

Some Mac users may encounter this error when trying to run Examplify, or worse, Examplify simply won’t launch at all and just bobs up and down without ever loading.

Step 1: If you have not updated/opened Examplify recently, then re-download/install Examplify to update to the latest version and launch it.

Step 2: If Step 1 did not resolve the issue, restart your laptop and try to launch Examplify again.

Step 3: If Step 2 did not resolve the issue, type the following command into Terminal and restart your laptop.

  1. sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.examsoft.ExamplifyService.plist
  2. sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.examsoft.ExamplifyService.plist

Step 4: If Step 3 did not resolve the issue, create a new user profile.

  1. Create a new user profile on your computer. Make sure the new user profile is set as an Admin (Administrator).
  2. Log into the new profile and launch Examplify.

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