Post grades and feedback/annotations separately

Post grades and feedback/annotations separately

In Canvas, when you post grades, feedback/annotations are also posted for the assignment.

Please follow these instructions on how to post feedback and marks separately.

Suggested workflow (if you have not marked the assignments)


  1. Set up your assignment as normal.

  2. In Grades, check the Grade Posting Policy for the assignment is set to manual.

  3. Export the gradebook as a csv file. You will use this to enter the marks later.

Marking the assignment

  1. After the assignment is due, mark the assignment in SpeedGrader. You can annotate the submission and leave overall comments.

  2. Do not enter any marks in SpeedGrader or Gradebook. Instead, enter the marks for the assignment in the csv file you downloaded earlier.

Posting (releasing) the feedback

  1. Once you have finished marking and are ready, you can post the grades for the assignment. Only the comments and annotations will be visible to student since you did not enter the marks in Canvas.

  2. If you intend to release the marks on Canvas, import the grades from the csv file where you entered the marks. Since the grades have been posted (previous step), students will be able to see the marks once you upload them.

  3. If you do not intend to release the marks on Canvas, you can:

    1. Store the csv with the marks securely, then import this into IMMS when needed. Do follow IMMS' requirements for upload. Alternatively,

    2. Hide the grades of the respective assignment. Then import the grades.

      • Before doing this, please make sure that your students have read the comments/feedback. Once you do this, you will not be able to show the comments/feedback without showing the grades.

If you have already marked the assignments

  1. Explain to students that the grades for that assignment will be provided separately and that the assignment will be set to zero marks, so do not be alarmed.

  2. Edit the assignment settings. Change the points possible to 0.

Do not change the assignment to an ungraded assignment - this removes SpeedGrader as well as the ability for students to view feedback input via SpeedGrader.

  1. Create a new no-submission assignment with a different name from the assignment. You can append the assignment name with (actual grades), for example.

  2. Download the existing grades for the assignment (if marks/points have already been assigned).

  3. In the downloaded spreadsheet, copy the marks from the original assignment column and paste it in the assignment column of the no-submission assignment you created in step 3.

  4. Once done, under the original assignment column, set all the scores to zero.

  5. Save the spreadsheet.

  6. Import this spreadsheet to overwrite the existing marks so that everyone gets zero for the original assignment with your comments/annotations and to put the scores in the new no-submission assignment. (Canvas will preview the score changes before you finalise them - you will have the opportunity to check.)

  7. Once done importing the spreadsheet, you can post grades for the original assignment so that they can see your annotations/comments.

    1. If the assignment column says no grades to post (because an icon indicating that you need to review the grade is displayed), edit one student's grade to 0, then proceed to post the grade.

  8. For the no-submission assignment with the actual scores, you can choose to post them when you are ready.

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