Peer Review Assignment - Different Scenarios
Peer Review Assignment - Different Scenarios
Peer Review
When can students view the peer review comments?
- Students can only view the peer review comments after they have submitted their work to the assignment.
Will students see the peer review comments even when the grades are not yet posted?
- Yes, students can see peer review comments if assignment grades are hidden. However, students cannot see instructor comments until after assignment grades have been posted.
When students resubmit whilst reviewers are done with their comments, am I able to distinguish which submission did the reviewers put comment on?
- No. When you click on the Peer Reviews, you will see the number of attempts, the latest submission, previous peer review comments and when it was submitted. But it does not indicate as to which attempt it corresponds to for each of the peer review comment.
What can students do when they do peer review an assignment? Can they also provide grade, aside from comments?
- No, they can only provide comments. If you assigned rubric to the assignment, students can score using the rubric too.
Is it possible to set a due date for students to complete their peer review assignment of their peers' work?
- There's no deadline for peer reviews in Canvas - Canvas has not addressed this.
Do students receive grade when they complete a peer review?
- No, students do not receive grade when they complete a peer review. However, you can create a No Submission assignment in Gradebook and assign points manually.
Can I use external tools (e.g. Turnitin) whilst doing peer review?
- No, the external submission type does not support peer review assignments. Do note that Turnitin has its own peer review tool.
Group Peer Review
What are the requirements for group peer reviews to work?
- Group sets should have groups and students have been completely assigned to the groups (no further changes!). This is also a pre-requirement before publishing a group assignment.
How do I setup whereby the peer reviewers will be someone from the same group as the student they are reviewing?
- Choose Auto Assign Peer Review then click Auto intra-group peer review checkbox. This allows for the possibility of getting assigned to review someone from the same group. It does not guarantee that the reviewers will all be within the same group.
Rubric Scores
What is required to complete a peer review when the assignment includes a rubric?
- Normally, students must review the assignment and leave a comment on the submission details page. So if the assignment includes a rubric, students must only complete the rubric to complete the peer review. However, you can choose to ask your students to also leave a comment in the comment sidebar.
When can student see peer review assignment rubric scores from other students?
- It is only after posting the grades that the student can see the scores from other students.
Anonymous Peer Review
As instructor, can I still see the reviewers names?
- Yes, you can still view the names of the student reviewers in the submission details page and Speedgrader.
Can I setup whereby the students do not see who are their peer reviewers but the peer reviewers know who they are reviewing?
- No, it will be anonymous for both sides OR not anonymous for both. There's no in between.
, multiple selections available,
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