Zoom Panopto (NUS Mediaweb) Integration

Zoom Panopto (NUS Mediaweb) Integration

Enabling your NUS Mediaweb account import your Zoom Cloud Recordings to NUS Mediaweb

  1. Sign In to NUS MediaWeb.
  2. Once signed in, click on your Name on top right corner.
  3. Check that your Role: Creator.
  4. Click On User Settings.
  5. Under Info > Meeting Import Settings > Automatic Import > Check the box "Cloud Recording (Zoom)".
  6. Click Update

Setting up which MediaWeb folders the Zoom cloud recordings go to

  1. Under Default Folder, click Edit and select previously created folders in NUS Mediaweb, LumiNUS or Canvas.
    With this option, all cloud recordings will be copied to this selected NUS MediaWeb folder.

  2. You can also map your meetings to a specific folder. (Zoom Meeting ID required).
    This option will be useful, if you have a recurring meeting ID that needs be in a specific NUS MediaWeb folder.
    a. Click Add New
    b. Choose the folder you wish to map to, and type in the Zoom Meeting ID
    c. Click Save.

    In this example, anytime, a meeting ID 1234567890 gets recorded to the Zoom Cloud, the recordings will be imported to the Zoom folder in NUS MediaWeb.

How the imported Zoom Cloud Recording looks like in Mediaweb

Viewers will see the Shared Screen with the Active Speaker video in a thumbnail.
The video thumbnail will be within the presentation screen if during the recording, a Share Screen as a Full Screen/Desktop was used.
The video thumbnail will be outside the presentation screen if during the recording, a Share Screen as a Window/App was used.

Viewers will also have the capability to search for keywords. It will search both the spoken words and shared screen image.

Below is a sample of a shared screen(desktop) with active speaker.
The search for "12" was produced from the shared screen.

Additional Guide: How to Use Panopto with Zoom Integration


How long does it take for my Zoom Cloud Recordings to be imported to NUS MediaWeb?
Zoom Cloud Recording will process the files after the meeting has ended. 
Time taken will depend on the duration of the recordings. Typically an hour long session will take 2-3 hours for Zoom Cloud Recordings to process. You can check the status of your Zoom Cloud Recording here: https://nus-sg.zoom.us/recording
Once ready, if Zoom-Panopto Integration is enabled, then it will be imported to your NUS MediaWeb folder. This normally takes 30mins.

Does the Live Transcript gets imported as well?
Yes, if turned ON and once the caption file has been processed, you will see it as captions in NUS MediaWeb.

How about the Audio Transcript
No. If you need the captions, please Enable Live Transcript during the Zoom meeting.

If I have the different active speaker, gallery, shared screen enabled in my Zoom account, what format will NUS Mediaweb play?
By default, the active speaker with shared screen will be used for playback.

Why does my webcam video seems to embedded during screen sharing, but at times will appear as a thumbnail outisde during playback?
This depends on whether one shares the Full Screen/Desktop or Shares a Window/App.

Will the search for both spoken words (captions) and text words in shared screen (presentation) feature be available?
Yes, just like how one can normally do that in NUS Mediaweb. Note that captions in NUS Mediaweb will only take the Live Transcript from Zoom Cloud Recording as Captions.

Does the Live Transcript gets imported as well?
Live Transcript needs to enabled during the meeting.

I did not record the Zoom session to the cloud. Is there a way I can import it back?
You can't auto import what has passed. You can however upload the recorded video manually to NUS Mediaweb.