Create a Non-Academic Course

Create a Non-Academic Course

For courses that are NOT officially listed in EduRec, L3AP and OAP, a request for course creation will need to be submitted. A Course will then be automatically created and made available on your Dashboard within the next few minutes of your request.

Once the Course is ready, you may then proceed to add staff and students using the People section in Canvas. Please use their NUS-IDs (e.g., cdtxxx; e0123456) to add. Friendly emails will not work. 

You may also add alumni and non-NUS users who already have an account in NUS Canvas, else you may need to create new Canvas user accounts before they can be added to the Course.

Examples of other courses may include short courses and programmes that are run by faculty and/or for NUS staff and students, external users.

If you wish to request for course creation, submit your request here.

If your department is not listed in the form above, please send a request to: canvas_admins@groups.nus.edu.sg with the following information.

  1. Which department is missing in the form?

  2. Purpose of the course.

  3. Is it a Non-Academic course, or CET short course?

  4. Who are the students? E.g. NUS students, staff, visitors, alumni, non-NUS?

  5. Are there any NUSMed or Duke-NUS students in the student roster?

Do not submit course creation requests for officially listed modules in EduRec/L3AP/OAP. 

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